Turbo Radish - a lightweight link sharing site
September 29, 2006 10:10 AM

Turbo Radish - a lightweight link sharing site
This is an experiment in building a site to allow novice users to share links, in a manner somewhat similar to reddit, with the minimum of hassle. There are no usernames or passwords to forget; no friend networks or targetted recommendations or any of the other things that a large proportion of less-sophisticated Internet users just don't get, and don't care about anyway. Instead the idea is simple; everyone can submit a link once a day (note: the check which enforces this is currently disabled); everyone can vote for links they like or dislike; and the ones people like will hang about. Please bear in mind that this site is NOT targetted at your typical metafilter user; but rather for new or casual Internet users who just want to see some interesting websites each day.
posted by thparkth (0 comments total)

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