I Wear Tight Genes
September 23, 2006 11:03 AM

I Wear Tight Genes
I've asked a few genealogy questions in AskMeFi before, and the community has been great. I decided that after nearly a year of research on my own family, I'd start to share some of the interesting stories I've found. I've managed to collect over 9000 names for my tree and I've compiled them online. About 2 months ago, I was tasked with scanning in all of my grandfather's and great-grandfather's slides, dating back to the 1930s. I've finished that, and now I've started in on the snapshots, the oldest of which is a farm in South Dakota, dated 1906. In the blog I cover some family stuff, but mostly I've been talking about general genealogy.
posted by thanotopsis (0 comments total)

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