Unicode/emoji pixel fonts
July 24, 2019 10:01 PM   Subscribe

Unicode/emoji pixel fonts
A suite of pixel fonts in a variety of sizes, with ambitious Unicode coverage goals. The 8x12 set includes all of the non-ZWJ-based emoji defined to date as adorable tiny pixel art.

This is currently version 0.9.5; 1.0 will come soon once I add a few more missing pages to this, but at this state it's ready to show off and very usable. I'm depending on it for another project of mine that I'll be posting to Projects sometime later on, but for now, I'd be happy to see these tiny emoji and these sets of shapes and symbols see wider use. Despite being an NPM package, there's no runnable code in here - it's just a bunch of images, organized into folders by size. This also means there's no built-in mechanism for resolving things like ZWJ combinations, and I'm still working out the best way to include those, but there is at least a file of tiny flags that will fit alongside the text nicely.
Role: artist
posted by wanderingmind (2 comments total)

That's very cool. Are you planning on making an actual font out of these?
posted by pyro979 at 6:32 AM on July 25, 2019

I'd love to, but it would have to be a color font format, and I don't have the tools or experience I need to make one of those that fits my needs yet.
posted by wanderingmind at 8:11 AM on July 25, 2019

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