Uruk: XQuery access to MarkLogic databases in Clojure
February 10, 2017 7:33 AM   Subscribe

Uruk: XQuery access to MarkLogic databases in Clojure
Uruk is an open-source Clojure wrapper for MarkLogic's XCC (XML Content Connector) API for Java.

You can use Uruk to stream, insert, or query documents in your MarkLogic database using XQuery from anywhere that Clojure (or therefore the JVM) can reach.

Uruk lets you code in idiomatic Clojure, putting the power of elegant, concise lisp at your fingertips. It provides automatic (but fully customizable) conversion to and from native Clojure types to XCC types, direct insertion of Clojure-native XML, and all the flexibility provided by XCC.

Uruk is used in production programmatically as well as for manual lookups of business data at development time using the emacs libraries powering xquery-mode.
Role: coder and maintainer
posted by daveliepmann (0 comments total)

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