NonProphets: A Superforecasting Podcast
January 17, 2017 3:32 PM Subscribe
NonProphets: A Superforecasting Podcast
This is a podcast featuring my husband and two colleagues, all of whom were chosen as superforecasters in the Good Judgment Project based on their performance in the tournament (previously discussed on the blue here).
The guys have continued to forecast on a wide array of topics with Good Judgment, Inc., the commercial forecasting firm spawned by the study. In the podcast, they discuss their forecasting processes and offer their analysis of questions on public forecasting platforms, such as the Good Judgment Open and Almanis, as well as other topics of interest to them. Each episode is like the future: you can never be completely sure what will happen. They LOVE questions and welcome suggestions for future episodes or topics (
This is a podcast featuring my husband and two colleagues, all of whom were chosen as superforecasters in the Good Judgment Project based on their performance in the tournament (previously discussed on the blue here).
The guys have continued to forecast on a wide array of topics with Good Judgment, Inc., the commercial forecasting firm spawned by the study. In the podcast, they discuss their forecasting processes and offer their analysis of questions on public forecasting platforms, such as the Good Judgment Open and Almanis, as well as other topics of interest to them. Each episode is like the future: you can never be completely sure what will happen. They LOVE questions and welcome suggestions for future episodes or topics (
Role: content contributor, fact checker, producer
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posted by miyabo at 11:05 PM on January 27, 2017 [1 favorite]