New book - Customers Included
October 3, 2013 11:16 AM   Subscribe

New book - Customers Included
I have finished a book, Customers Included, which explores the question, "Why do companies so often fail to give customers what they want?" The book includes case studies ranging from Apple, Netflix, and Google to African water pumps and Brooklyn's Prospect Park.

Writing the book was both the most difficult and the most rewarding professional project I've ever accomplished: it distills 15 years of thinking, writing, and working on the customer experience. (Really 30 years, as I co-authored it with my business partner.)

Gabriel Weinberg, founder of non-tracking search engine Duck Duck Go, wrote that "any entrepreneur who's about to launch a startup should read this book first."

There is an Amazon page, but more info is available at the book site - including the full text of Chapter 1.
Role: co-author
posted by mark7570 (4 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

I read a lot on various topics and genres, but I wouldn't even think to buy non-fiction in hard copy any more. Loosing lot of customer by going paper only route.
posted by zeikka at 11:52 AM on October 4, 2013

Ebook is in production now.
posted by mark7570 at 2:40 PM on October 5, 2013

This looks great, and I really liked the first chapter. Is it mostly intended for tech companies and startups, or do you cover old-style business too?
posted by mittens at 7:26 PM on October 7, 2013

Thanks, mittens. The book is very much meant for a wide audience, not just tech companies. The frequent references to Peter Drucker are meant to remind readers that these are ideas much bigger than just the tech industry of the 2010s. (In fact, I'd say that the ideas are equally applicable outside the corporate world, to nonprofits, schools, etc.)
posted by mark7570 at 9:15 AM on October 8, 2013

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