NHL Data Visualization
June 8, 2013 1:51 PM   Subscribe

NHL Data Visualization
I did some data visualization of hockey stats, with a couple blog posts. It's all using 2013 regular season data.

The first blog post walks you through some analysis to show you how to use the site, it's called Why no Playoffs for you.

The second post I put up on yahoo, it's an NHL draft bias analysis. The skinny: As per Malcolm Gladwell, NHL teams draft twice as many Jan, Feb, and March born players than late month born players. The important part for teams is that each Oct, Nov, and December born draft pick plays 50% more games per player.

The third blog post involves the Free Agent market for goaltenders. I create a framework to find the value of goaltending, then work backward in time to see if the recent contracts given to goaltenders fit into the framework. Does that not just scream beach reading?
Role: Everything
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