rendr 2 - rapid html prototyping
June 9, 2006 6:37 PM
rendr 2 - rapid html prototyping
Write out html and CSS and see it render as you type. Useful when you want to test out some markup or css that's been floating around in your head. I don't imagine that this is front page material so its mainly for the benefit of you projects surfers. Id appreciate any feed back. If i can figure out how to put google ads on it, ill be set. firefox only.crappy IE version here. please note AWESOME web 2.0 name! that means its good.
Write out html and CSS and see it render as you type. Useful when you want to test out some markup or css that's been floating around in your head. I don't imagine that this is front page material so its mainly for the benefit of you projects surfers. Id appreciate any feed back. If i can figure out how to put google ads on it, ill be set. firefox only.crappy IE version here. please note AWESOME web 2.0 name! that means its good.
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