Infinite Tangents
January 11, 2012 3:50 AM   Subscribe

Infinite Tangents
I recently had my first experience with the sacred plant medicine called Ayahuasca. It has inspired me to start blogging, as writing has always been a passion of mine but nothing I ever wanted to make public. This is the story of my ayahuasca experience and the beginning of my spiritual writings in the form of a blog. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Role: Writer
posted by GrooveJedi (1 comment total)

Thank you very much. I feel you've done a terrific job of relating what an ayahuasca experience can be like. I really like the included illustrations too. I agree, fractals may not quite exactly express the visions, but they come about as close as anything.

You mentioned sound healing near the end. I had an experience with sound healing last fall. A room of about 30-40 persons with several sound healers moving throughout in sequence. I admit to a bit of skepticism before the evening began but afterwards I felt very "harmonized" and "lighter" with a pleasant buzz. Just from sound. Hope to get to do some more.
posted by telstar at 12:44 AM on January 17, 2012

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