No Pain, No Gain
November 11, 2005 1:15 PM
No Pain, No Gain
Like bodybuilding? Like movies? Here's a movie about bodybuilding! I've been the webmaster, sysadmin, and general "computer guy" supporting this production for the past five years (I also have a one-line speaking role in a party scene). On December 3rd, 2005, it hits theaters. Ironically enough, I'm a way out-of-shape fat guy.
Like bodybuilding? Like movies? Here's a movie about bodybuilding! I've been the webmaster, sysadmin, and general "computer guy" supporting this production for the past five years (I also have a one-line speaking role in a party scene). On December 3rd, 2005, it hits theaters. Ironically enough, I'm a way out-of-shape fat guy.
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