Stumbling Drunk With Love for the World
July 21, 2011 9:37 PM   Subscribe

Stumbling Drunk With Love for the World
Demos of a small pile of songs I've written (and a couple I haven't). Voice and ukulele, sorry to those with high-art sensibilities. A lot of these I've been playing at campfires in my community for years; some friends bugged me to record some before I move away, so here it is... The 'Flyball's Lament' track is a verbose reinterpretation of the MeFiMu classic by The Great Big Mulp.

These sound great with a band (currently me plus a guitarist and a violinist), but I don't have the time or ability to record the band properly, as I'm skipping town in about a week. I might add a few room recordings of our sessions at some point in the near future.
Role: musician, designer
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