Listje - Quick, easy-to-use, text entry list app
July 6, 2011 5:55 PM   Subscribe

Listje - Quick, easy-to-use, text entry list app
I put this project together because I was really frustrated with having to make shopping lists by entering items one by one. With Listje, you can type in a plaintext list with many rows (or paste it in from a document). The list will be converted to an interactive checklist, and there's save functionality so you can retrieve it later if you like, perhaps from your phone, via the URL. A simple tap checks off items, and you can easily hide them from the view.

There's functionality to go back and forth between the edit view and the list view for later editing, and you can also add in headers to organize your list. Enjoy! I'd love any comments and will consider them for the next version.
Role: Programmer, designer, everything - it's a pretty simple app :)
posted by thumpasor (0 comments total)

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