Art Wear - A T-shirt and Screen Printing Blog
May 18, 2011 10:36 AM   Subscribe

Art Wear - A T-shirt and Screen Printing Blog
A new blog dedicated to screen printing on T-shirts. Posts will hopefully be eclectic, including reviews, technique, profiles, the history of t-shirt printing (especially in Austin), and other musings as they occur to me.

I finally decided to write about something I actually know. It seems like this fills a hole in the blog world -- there's lots of commercial blogs for printing companies, and lots of "hey, look at this hip, trendy shirt!" syndicated blogs, but not much just general T-shirt printing stuff. I want to keep it eclectic, from the arcane and esoteric, to the hilarious. I've got about 20 articles planned at this point, and hope to roll out a couple a week. I'll be slowly going through my shirt collection, which dates back to the '70's and using those as jumping-off points for historical musings about people, places and related things.
Role: designer, author
posted by Devils Rancher (1 comment total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

Oh hey this is what I do all day. I'm gonna keep an eye on it!
posted by thsmchnekllsfascists at 10:59 AM on May 25, 2011

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