Oh Shit, I'm In Grad School
May 14, 2011 6:54 PM   Subscribe

Oh Shit, I'm In Grad School
It's real. It's a thing. It's my webcomic, which I wisely named "Oh Shit, I'm In Grad School". I've been drawing comics as part of my grad work in Rhetoric and Writing (a subdiscipline of English that studies writing, the history of writing, the teaching of writing, writing that is awesome, and doesn't worry about literature) but they have all been photocopied print zines. As an installation I'm debuting at the Computers and Writing conference, I have started a webcomic version using Comicpress.

I am a total Wordpress/Comicpress noob, and I am not sure how I am going to navigate translating print zine comics to something serialized (Comicpress really assumes you're going to be posting one image a day--I backdated some things weirdly so they posted in a way I liked) but this is an exciting start.
Role: Creator, writer
posted by Tesseractive (0 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

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