Awesome Bucks
November 9, 2010 10:41 AM   Subscribe

Awesome Bucks
My friends and I released an application that lets you specify just how awesome your Twitter friends are - allowing you award up to 25 AwesomeBucks per day (and deduct 10, if that's your thing). The same site looks great on mobiles as well as computers - if you resize your browser window to a smaller size, you'll see the layout transform into the tablet, then mobile version. I'd love to hear feedback, we have a milestone set for a few weeks out for refinement based on early user feedback. Note - Twitter account required to log in.
posted by thedaniel (1 comment total)

Can't I just tell my friends that they're awesome? Or retweet or favorite their tweets? Seems kinda like a solution in search of a problem.
posted by klangklangston at 5:15 PM on November 18, 2010

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