"Jumbo in a Jar"
June 9, 2010 5:18 PM   Subscribe

"Jumbo in a Jar"
In 1975, the Barnum Science Building at Tufts University burned down, taking with it the taxidermied hide of P.T. Barnum's favorite elephant, Jumbo. In this three-minute documentary, Tufts Athletic Director Emiritus Rocky Carzo speaks extensively on the subject of Jumbo the Elephant's long and colorful after-after life.

I made this documentary as part of WGBH Lab's Antiques Roadshow Open Call. This week is "Editor's Choice" week, and the short subjects with the most comments will be broadcast as a lead-in to an episode of Roadshow next season. If you like the short, I ask you to please leave a comment! This is one of the most accessible shorts I've made (and paradoxically among the most personal works I've done -- my late father was involved with disseminating the story of Jumbo's current, er, residence), and I'd love for it to receive a wider audience.
posted by pxe2000 (0 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

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