Charles Bukowski Postage Stamp Petition
December 10, 2009 8:23 AM   Subscribe

Charles Bukowski Postage Stamp Petition
A proposal that the American novelist, poet and screenwriter Charles Bukowski be honored with a commemorative U.S. postal stamp to be issued on March 9, 2014, the twentieth anniversary of his death.

Charles Bukowski is uniquely suited for this honor. For in addition to being an acclaimed author with a growing international following, he is also perhaps the most famous American postal worker after Benjamin Franklin, and his landmark first novel "Post Office" is a wry portrait of the inner workings of the service where he was employed through age 49. I'd also really enjoy licking the back of his head.
posted by Scram (3 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

Something tells me this is about as likely as a David Berkowitz stamp. Post Office isn't exactly a love letter to the fine, upstanding men and women of the USPS.

But, hey, what the heck!
posted by Sys Rq at 5:13 PM on December 12, 2009

I'll do my part. Heh!

The inline text ads are super annoying.
posted by cjorgensen at 10:23 AM on December 14, 2009

Signatures have slowed just above 300, and it would be much appreciated if anyone who thinks this is a cool idea would just keep it in the air, by tweeting, or blogging or posting a sign in the local bookshop or library. I'll be submitting all signatures received by the start of March to the committee that advises on new stamps, and who knows, it could really happen!
posted by Scram at 6:31 PM on January 1, 2010

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