August 18, 2009 8:49 PM   Subscribe

Tagnic is a game for Twitter. From the official description: "Send points to your friends by including plus tags (+word) when you mention, retweet, or reply to them on Twitter. Players accumulate tag clouds of words that are frequently used to describe them. If you get enough of the right tags, you'll unlock badges." It was designed as a game, but it's really kind of a more general tool: like hashtags for people.

The help page has more information and instructions.

Twitter user @brendn is another programmer on the project. Take a look at his profile to see what happens once someone's been tagged a bunch. @mawopi has been a poweruser from the beginning; check out his twitter feed for a good example of Tagnic-rich tweets in context.

You don't have to be signed up to get tagged: Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, Barack Obama and danah boyd already have a couple of tags.

I've been working on the project as a programmer, along with my friends and colleagues at Socialbomb.
posted by aparrish (1 comment total)

As a long time Twitterer [ @photographworks ] my first reaction was exactly what number 1 of your FAQs states: "huh? Umm. What?"

But then I see (eventually) "Similar Users are Tagnic users who have been tagged and badged similarly to you, but who you don't know on Twitter. But maybe you'd like to?"

So it's a bit like the 'Are you similar' on Stumbleupon.

My advice is to make a tagline out of 'Find people who are similar to you but you don't know on Twitter'

To be frank, it's too much for me - I keep up with my followers and followees and I don't need another layer of finding people. Am I missing something? Message me if you think I am. :-)

But I can see its attraction, and the badges are well-designed.

I use Tweetie as my desktop client, and I created a new Twitter account just to follow the few people whose stuff I don't want to miss in the stream.
posted by Quillcards at 6:18 AM on August 30, 2009

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