Bickers Bracketology 2009
March 20, 2009 8:28 AM   Subscribe

Bickers Bracketology 2009
(Facebook account required to view/comment) It's tough being a Kentuckian in March when you're not into basketball, as that's all anybody wants to talk about. Here to save the day is Bickers Bracketology 2009, the bracket for people who don't understand or can't keep up with sports. Take a look at some of the exciting matches we've got in the coming days:

* Batman vs. Post-It Notes
* Andrew Jackson vs. The Internet
* Vikings vs. electrical outlets
* Mountain lions vs. lemonade
* Morrissey vs. a small stack of 3x5 index cards
* Festive summertime straw hats vs. your momma

Printer-friendly PDF, for your filling-out-and-taping-to-cubicle-wall pleasure.
posted by jbickers (4 comments total)

Bose Wave Radio: OH-VER-RAY-TED! *thump* *thump* *thumpthumpthump*

I've got Batman beating Old Time Radio. :D
(FB link redirects to my account page without anything showing, though)
posted by cowbellemoo at 10:09 AM on March 20, 2009

Looks like the main link is a note on your fb profile - so people may need more than just a fb account to view/comment. They may need to be a friend, friend of friend or at lest in a common network. Can't view or comment myself.
posted by shoesfullofdust at 10:01 AM on March 23, 2009

Weird. I've got that page set to where "everybody" can view it. FB remains inscrutable in many places - future updates will take place on my domain.
posted by jbickers at 9:13 PM on March 23, 2009

Exciting Round-Two action is now underway!

It's time for second-round March Madness! Updated bracket can be found here:

In the previous thread, Jenny B. asked for information about seeds. I can't imagine why this information is helpful, but here goes:

* Lemonade is made with lemons, which contain seeds
* Stuffed peppers and eggplant contain seeds
* Bowl of fruit, depending on the fruit in question, likely contains seeds
* Your momma is into gardening, which involves putting seeds in the ground
* Pastrami sandwich is made on rye bread, which contains caraway seeds
* Sunflower seeds: self-explanatory

Cast your votes now! Could be some major drama in the western division if Your Momma ends up going against Batman - long-time rivalry there. And we're still shaping up for that major confrontation in the eastern division, if Andrew Jackson goes up against Guys named Andrew! Stopwatches are shooting good in the paint this year, and don't write off garbage can liners just yet - they've got fresh blood this season.
posted by jbickers at 7:19 AM on March 27, 2009

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