Web 2.0 for teaching kids with autism using interactive Adobe AIR/Flex app
March 1, 2009 7:21 PM   Subscribe

Web 2.0 for teaching kids with autism using interactive Adobe AIR/Flex app
VizZle makes it easy to create effective interactive visual language lessons for kids with autism, in a fraction of the time it takes to create them manually.

No more searching high and low for just the right picture, booting up multiple software programs to edit them into a clean format that will catch the child’s attention, then printing, cutting, pasting, and velcroing until you get it just so… only to start all over again for the next student. With VizZle, everything you need to make and display engaging, customized, and effective visual supports is in one easy to use platform.
posted by pallen123 (1 comment total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

The idea intrigues me. While I don't teach kids with autism, an easy way to create interactive teaching material would be incredibly helpful for many ESL teachers.

However, your "Web 2.0" application seems to be trapped in a burocractic and "un-web 2.0" website. Not only I have to sign up for a trial, I also have wait for a "product specialist" to get in touch of me. The nerve! Admittedly, I got an email in less than 10 minutes which is impressive for what seemed a human response.

Also, if you're offering a free trial displaying the price somewhere in your webpage would be nice.

After trying it out, I have to say that it's a very good idea even if not ideal for what I had in mind. A little too limiting in what I can do, but of course, I'm not the intended audience.

Good luck.
posted by Memo at 8:22 AM on March 2, 2009

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