August 24, 2008 5:35 AM   Subscribe is a directory for... you guessed it, blogs! We made it at Six Apart, with probably half a dozen of the team members working on the project being long-time MeFi members. The goal of the site is to help readers discover new blogs, and to help bloggers attract new readers. The site editors pick blogs to feature in a bunch of different categories, based on submissions from bloggers across the web (That means you should submit your blog!) and those editorial choices are joined by Top 10 lists created by popular bloggers, kind of like Celebrity Playlists on iTunes.

In a lot of ways, you can think of it as a MeFi Projects just for blogs themselves, only your blog doesn't have to be new. This also isn't about being a technology demonstration, it's really just supposed to be a nice place to read up on blogs you might want to discover, or to keep up with a section of the blogosphere that you don't have the time to check out yourself.
posted by anildash (3 comments total)

that's very meta.
posted by sxtxixtxcxh at 6:53 AM on August 25, 2008

I threw in my two cents sites. We'll see what kind of traffic you send my way! Heh. Actually, was thinking there's already sites like this out there, right? blogcatalog and such?

Or maybe this is going for something totally different?
posted by cjorgensen at 7:06 AM on August 25, 2008

seems like curated content rather than algorithm based like technorati

could do with a few more categories though

design for example ;p
posted by infini at 10:32 AM on September 4, 2008

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