The Capitalist Bill of Rights - Join the Blogroll as a Signer or a Filibuster
August 6, 2008 11:47 AM   Subscribe

The Capitalist Bill of Rights - Join the Blogroll as a Signer or a Filibuster
If you have savings, then you are a Capitalist, whether you realize it or not. Know your rights: 10 short statements that tell the world what you expect in return for access to your hard-earned money. Bloggers on MeFi: add yourself as an early Signer or a Filibuster in the blogroll. Site should be on TV in 2-3 weeks, so early Signers will get some nice exposure.
posted by brendan (4 comments total)

Well, with the exception of I., I think these are all law. I found it hard to understand what you were going for.

Some of it seems helpful in terms of prudent investing or consumer education, like what one should expect from financial institutions. But that's not what "Bill of Rights" means to me.
posted by grobstein at 5:42 PM on August 6, 2008

What do you call yourself if you worked for 25 years, invested conservatively, had your savings reduced to nothing by health and family crises and now live on (mostly) Social Security Disability? An Ex-Capitalist? Post-Capitalist? De-Capitalist? Do people like me (one of the fastest growing segments of the population) get rights too?
posted by wendell at 5:13 PM on August 7, 2008

This seems like a weird use of "filibuster." Used as a noun, I'm pretty sure the term refers to the act of impeding legislative action, not to the person engaging in the act. Moreover, simply opposing a bill isn't the same thing as filibustering it.
posted by thinman at 4:19 PM on August 8, 2008

The "Bill of Rights" isn't actually a Bill of Rights, it's a statement of hopes and expectations; the view of capitalism is bizarre and simplistic (not everyone offering stock tips are charlatans); "filibuster" means something quite different than what you're using it as; and asking people who concur or disagree to "infotain" visitors is creepy.

This reads more like some SEO bit of bloglish scam than something put together by someone who has any understanding of what constitutions or rights language or even really investing is. Whether that's due to poor communication or poor ideas is hard to tell.
posted by klangklangston at 1:55 PM on August 14, 2008

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