- community magazines
January 27, 2006 8:40 AM - community magazines

CoMagz provides communities, groups and people with shared interest their own online magazine which is edited and rendered completely by its users.

CoMagz combines online magazine look and feel with simple bloglike submission mechanism for users' content. Editing of the magazines content is handled by voting system which allows the collective of users to decide what's interesting and promote it while throwing out improper content.

CoMagz magazines are designed to appeal both to users who like to write about their subject of interest and reach large audience without the need to dedicate their time to maintain their own blogs and build audience progressively. And to readers, who will find the best content about their subject of interest in one place, selected by users.


CoMagz Linkadelic magazine is the first CoMagazine. It's about what's interesting on the web. Recommended websites, Web related news and stories. Users can even write their own column which serves as their blog. The blog entries are displayed as part of the magazine content in a way which exposes it to many readers.
posted by nbd (0 comments total)

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