The List of Youth Speakers and Inspiring Young People to Invite to Your Conference or Event
January 26, 2008 9:14 AM
The List of Youth Speakers and Inspiring Young People to Invite to Your Conference or Event
I got inspired by Personism's list of inspiring women speakers and developed my own list for young people that would make great conference speakers or guests. I've noticed that youths (particularly those from third-world countries) tend to get underrepresented at anything that's not specifically a youth conference, and after a while of asking "why" I decided to just build a list. It's growing quite steadily though the list is skewed towards Australasia - feel free to nominate anyone under 30 that should be here!
I got inspired by Personism's list of inspiring women speakers and developed my own list for young people that would make great conference speakers or guests. I've noticed that youths (particularly those from third-world countries) tend to get underrepresented at anything that's not specifically a youth conference, and after a while of asking "why" I decided to just build a list. It's growing quite steadily though the list is skewed towards Australasia - feel free to nominate anyone under 30 that should be here!
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