Community Policy Development
January 8, 2008 5:16 PM

Community Policy Development
Community Policy Development is a weblog to connect those interested in developing American social and public policies oriented toward the common good. CPD operates under three core principles:
1. Policies Relate to People. From brainstorming to development to implementation, all quality policies must consider and place at the forefront the fundamental relationship between the social agency and its clients. To that end, the study of ethics, the principles of social justice and the ideals of liberty and equality are not anathema to policy creation.
2. Only Big Ideas Matter. National and international social policies exist on the level of millions of people and billions of dollars. To that end, initiatives to double the size of a program or establish a new board or commission ignore the sheer size of social problems. Policy development has an obligation to act as megaphone for unpublicized and innovative yet substantial practices from the public and private sectors.
3. Experience is Meaningful. While academic argument and statistical analysis surely have relevance to social policy, they do not tell the whole story. Social servants: educators, doctors, social workers, clergy, and volunteers make a living interacting with policies and facilitating their relationship with people. In order to understand the true nature of social problems, policymakers should develop personal relationships with social servants and publicize both their efforts and frustrations.
This blog serves to connect these principles with new, concrete solutions. Policy is developed here through the conversation in the comments section of each post, the give-and-take of ideas that can turn an inkling into results. (In particular, I'm looking for constructive critique about method and ideas about how best to promote this and get people interested. Thanks to everybody for your help.)
posted by l33tpolicywonk (0 comments total)

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