May 30, 2006 2:38 PM

Grupthink, "a living source of collective wisdom," is a project under development where I work; it's a new way for anyone to ask open-ended questions and post topics, and for anyone to respond to them, and explore other users' responses. As one of the senior developers put it, if Grupthink were a cocktail beverage, this might be the recipe:
* 1/2 oz. Wiki
* 1/2 oz. Online polling
* 1/4 oz. Photo sharing
* 1/4 oz. Web 2.0 Buzzword Mix (ajax, social media, etc.), and
* One (1) offensively large stalk of celery.

But seriously, it can be serious fun: anyone can create open-ended, dynamic polls that are open to anyone else and the polls morph over time as users change their minds—revising old responses, adding new ones—and as new users join the site. Plus, you can vote for your favorite responses, rank them, and add comments.

We launched the Grupthink beta in April 2006 and we're continually making—and open to hearing about—improvements. So, if you have the time, please browse around and let us know what you think.
posted by josephtate (0 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

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