sien's votes
Displaying vote 61 to 67 of 67

It's Metafilter 2.0. Hopefully to blossom as a clearinghouse for absurdist mefi humor, including bizarre flash apps. This is brand-stinking new; if I'm omitting some good self-reflective mefi blogs or stunts or misc. content, please let me know!
posted by cortex at 2:53 PM on May 21, 2007

Design By Grid
After picking up Grid based design techniques I think I've become a better designer, so I thought I'd give back a little and create a resource for others...
posted by iisbum at 9:22 PM on May 20, 2007

Let’s play games for the first time…and fail.
People record themselves playing video games for the first time, with no prior knowledge of the controls, game play, mechanics or storyline. And then they fail. During this, they swear a lot. Currently, all of the content is screen capture with audio, but I'm hoping people will eventually submit webcam/video with a picture in picture of a face growing exponentially more frustrated. It is interesting because, while the videos are amusing to watch, they are infinitely more fun to make and submit. The site is based off of an idea proposed by a member, and used with permission.
posted by JeremiahBritt at 5:17 AM on May 19, 2007

Petition: Los Angeles demands goats for fire safety
The citizens of Los Angeles are deeply concerned after serious wildfires in the Griffith Park and Hollywood Hills have destroyed vast swaths of urban wilderness and killed or displaced thousands of animals during their breeding season. These fires feed upon unchecked dry undergrowth, and endanger lives, homes, historic monuments and our enjoyment of the city. It will take decades before Griffith Park is restored to its pre-fire condition. We the undersigned demand that the City of Los Angeles and the L.A. Department of Recreation and Parks respond to this continued threat by bringing in shepherds with herds of goats to graze on the dry hills, a plan previously implemented with great success by UC Berkeley in the aftermath of that community's devastating 1991 fire. Goats are economical, ecological fire-fighting machines that produce fertilizer as they clear hills and canyons of weeds, poison oak and dry chaparral. Additionally, the animals are charming, newsworthy ambassadors for fire safety, a subject that needs to be more widely discussed. We want to save our parks and mountains. We want goats!
posted by Scram at 2:16 PM on May 10, 2007

Today I Saw...
I am writing a bi-weekly column of creative nonfiction shorts based on my experiences in the field as a social worker in Philly. The pieces are also informed by my perspective as someone who has been intimately involved in street drug culture. The aim is to capture a slice of life that doesn't get much media exposure other than in the crime blotter section or the occasional human interest story. A friend of mine will be supplying original photo accompaniment. The first installment is linked above; you can also view 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Please note that I have no affiliation with the hosting site nor do I have any editorial, content or design input beyond what I submit. If you are interested in following along in the weeks to come but would rather not RSS the hosting site, consider adding my blog (in profile) to your list as I will post updates there as they go up.
posted by The Straightener at 4:55 PM on March 18, 2007

Random Kitten Generator
This site, despite being less than a week old, has a history going back years. But I'm not going to bore you with it.
posted by Cobbler at 2:55 PM on February 21, 2007

Doctor Who reviews
Fifty reviews of 'classic' Doctor Who on DVD - and counting - that you can either browse by quality (though de gustibus, etcetera), chronology or theme.
posted by rjs at 12:04 PM on March 5, 2007

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