5 posts tagged with writing and science.
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Hey, There's Science In This
I wrote a book! "Hey, There's Science In This" is a short collection of essays about unexpected science links to everyday topics. Rubber ducks at sea, a Japanese TV show, food-based paint techniques, hiking trails and much more all reveal their hidden science. The book started out as blog posts written between about 2007 and 2023, but they've been updated and rewritten for this collection. [more inside]
The truth has got its boots on: an evidence-based response to James Damore's Google memo
In which I have a very, very thorough walk through the relevant literature about gender and the workplace, and.... uh, cite over a hundred peer reviewed works in doing so while I refute effectively ever point I can find in Mr. Damore's 'memo.' I'm currently working on getting the footnotes linked within the piece and getting a functional table of contents rolling, but this is up and linkable for anyone as of right this second. All effort has been made to find non-paywalled PDFs of all links cited in the document. [more inside]
A Year of Stories: Cobalt Blue
At the beginning of the year I decided to write one short story, every weekday, until December 31st (260 stories). To help motivate me, I'm releasing twelve Collections of these stories on Amazon. I've been at this since January, and so far I'm 135 stories in. This is Collection one, if you like it, it would be awesome if you could leave a review. Also, if you're interested in following the project in real-time, you can see all the stories here.
This is my blog covering the Conservative Dinosaur Readiness Movement. It is a satirical blog about a right wing survivalist group that is paranoid that dinosaurs are going to return somehow and conquer earth. While it is satire, I also try to incorporate good science when I can, I interview legit people in the paleontology field such as Kirk Johnson and Peter Larson. [more inside]
Singular Source Short Story Contest
“Singular Source” is a hard science fiction short story contest. We are looking for stories on the theme of future computer programming and technology, with particular attention to programmers working with vast archives of source code. The deadline is November 30, 2011. Visit our web site for more details. You can support the contest by donating money for prizes and honorariums for judges. [more inside]