8 posts tagged with history by The Whelk.
Displaying 1 through 8 of 8.
American Rarebit
A comic about food, government cheese, being a latchkey kid, being the child of a latchkey kid, and the power of kraft singles in your life
Reds Of Future Past
For The Baffler Issue 44 “Truth Decay”, artist and activist John Leavitt approaches the topics of historical memory, the first red scare, the role of propaganda, and the labor movement as something haunting the American mind.
The DSA National Design Committee
The National Design Committee of the Democratic Socialists of America has a twitter presence and they’re using that presence to make threads about the intersection of art, design, and socialism. Bauhaus! William Morris! The Masses and Liberator Magazine! Banned I.W.W artwork! Oscar Wilde! Sewer socialism! National Design acomitee home page.
I’ve Been To A Marvelous Party
An excerpt from The Lavander Ledger, a manuscript in progress by John Leavitt about murder, gossip, and scandal in the gay underworld of 1940s Hollywood.
Seersucker' Curious Class Struggle
Seersucker went from a working class uniform material to being the sole providence of Great Gatsby cosplayers, how did this happen? I wrote this for Racked to try and find out.
Classic Monster Horrorscopes
The traditional western hororscope, mapped onto the classic movie monsters.
How To Make An Aviation
In honor of Prohibition Repeal Day, The Toast ran a comic by me about how a typo nearly ruined a cocktail for over half a century.
TIME 2 TRAVEL: An Untourists guide to time
Time 2 Travel is a group blog for the fashionably broke time traveler. Get advice from people who've been then - Learn about Safe houses! The best cults on Delos! and maybe contribute some advice or reviews of your own. [more inside]