2 posts tagged with ai by dng.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.
Arrppier Suphder, ik Voby Tok
Arrppier Suphder (Wonderful About Spiders) ik Voby Tok is an AI assisted translation and visual regeneration of the children's picture book classic Spiders Are Wonderful (Toby Vok, 2011) into a language far beyond our own, for audiences in realms not yet known. [more inside]
Generative Texts
Generative Texts is a new kind of publisher. Rather than utilise humans, our publishing process is entirely AI driven, ensuring our texts meet the demands of our post-human future. As a publisher of AI-created, initiated, designed, and honed works, Generative Texts releases books exploring themes of interest to human and post-human minds alike, such as Irrational Numbers, Linguistics, the number One, the un-number Zero, and, in Brexit: The Commemorative Text, even politics, a subject previously considered beyond the interest of artificial minds. All our works are available to buy in splendidly produced machine-automated output forms, both in perpetual paper-based releases as well as in more ephemeral electronic data-propagations.