26 posts tagged with ai.
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Pick, Pack, or Die

Step into the infinite world of Zing Warehouse as employees try to survive a delivery drone uprising. Half a decade ago, I asked a handful of MeFis if they’d be interested in being a beta reader for a novel inspired by Carl Hiaasen. Thanks to their feedback and the help of many others, I’m happy to announce that my comedy thriller Pick, Pack, or Die is ready for delivery! [more inside]
posted by systematize on Jan 16, 2025 - 4 comments

AI Or Not: Poetry Edition

I saw a piece of research being reported about a study showing that survey participants were worse than chance at telling whether a piece of poetry was human- or ChatGPT-made, so I downloaded the paper's supplementary material and turned it into an online quiz. It picks 10 poems at random out of their list, usually about 5 are AI and 5 aren't.
posted by roywig on Nov 17, 2024 - 2 comments

Any movie scene, rewritten like a Michael Bay movie

Needs More Boom is proof that sometimes you just need to do something stupid for no other reason than "because I can." Just type the scene, hit the 💥LFG💥 button, and see how much better if would have been if Bay had shot it. [more inside]
posted by missjenny on Oct 18, 2023 - 12 comments

Verity web app

A web app that uses AI to generate quizzes and score open-form answers on whatever topics you like. [more inside]
posted by thandal on Aug 30, 2023 - 6 comments

Back to My Dreams

For a birthday present for my wife, I commissioned two musicians to each create a pop song using lyrics generated by ChatGPT AI, album cover art generated by AI, and an AI generated music video. I made this website to present the songs to her as a surprise and explain the process of getting this project made. [more inside]
posted by jca on May 4, 2023 - 2 comments

Infinite Adversaries: a fighting game generated and narrated by ChatGPT

Inspired by the "Choose Your Own Adventure" book series, Infinite Adversaries asks ChatGPT to generate perpetual, randomized encounters, pitting you against a never-ending army of imaginary enemies. You're given an option of weapons, and from there ChatGPT imagines an adversary, location, and a set of possible actions (along with their outcomes). As you decide what to do, ChatGPT narrates the results. If you survive, your prize is another adversary. [more inside]
posted by avoision on Mar 30, 2023 - 4 comments

A ChatGPT Primer for Writing Teachers (and other academic humanists)

Academics, like the rest of the world, have been talking a lot about ChatGPT. College writing instructors—people in the field of writing studies or composition and rhetoric—are particularly worried about (1) the possibilities of plagiarism and (2) the questions automated prose generators raise for the notion that writing is form of thinking. This informal 5000-word longread primer, with an extended bibliography for further reading, summarizes some of the technical operations of LLMs for a humanist audience and links those technical questions to larger pedagogical and philosophical concerns. Feedback welcomed!
posted by vitia on Mar 5, 2023 - 0 comments

Arrppier Suphder, ik Voby Tok

Arrppier Suphder (Wonderful About Spiders) ik Voby Tok is an AI assisted translation and visual regeneration of the children's picture book classic Spiders Are Wonderful (Toby Vok, 2011) into a language far beyond our own, for audiences in realms not yet known. [more inside]
posted by dng on Jan 6, 2023 - 0 comments

Day 2

I live-blogged the first days of the Biden administration.
posted by bigbigdog on Aug 31, 2022 - 2 comments

The Kubrick Times

When making 2001: A Space Odyssey the production team wrote fictional news headlines to appear on the iPad-like devices. I've used HAL 9000 (OK, GPT-3 and DALL·E 2) to turn them into full articles. [more inside]
posted by malevolent on Jul 29, 2022 - 0 comments

OpenCV AI Game Show

OpenCV AI Game Show is a trivia show all about artificial intelligence and computer vision. 3 contestants go through 3 rounds of questions in different formats. In our pilot episode folks are playing for a charity of their choosing. It's sponsored by Intel, and I'm the showrunner / co-host. [more inside]
posted by zerolives on Mar 16, 2022 - 0 comments

The Gender Bias Inside GPT-3

In honor of International Women's Day, I decided to do an experiment to see what GPT-3 might reveal about human gender bias. And boy did it reveal a lot!
posted by missjenny on Mar 8, 2022 - 2 comments

Guess the AI Jukebox artist

AI Jukebox is a fascinating project from OpenAI that uses cutting-edge neural neworks to perform all sorts of musical magic -- it can take a clip of a song and continue it in a new way, sing text lyrics in any artist's voice, make a song sound like it's being sung by someone else. My favorite? Tell it to generate music by an artist without any other info, and it will produce a gibberish song with nonsense lyrics... that still sounds 100% real and just like the actual singer or band with their unique style. You can hear instruments, melodies, sometimes an audience, the breathing of the lead singer -- but the whole thing is generated completely from scratch by the AI, not with samples or digital sounds. It's not flawless -- some of the songs ramble, with glitchy effects or a mutating voice. But these just add to the vibe, like it's from a dream or a parallel universe. I went through their database to find the best examples of these tracks from the most famous artists, then turned them into an audio quiz on Sporcle -- complete with AI-generated art of the artists I made to serve as hints in the second round. How many of the artists can you name? [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Mar 7, 2022 - 2 comments

Student Digitalus - Critical Optimism Weblog

I research and read a great deal of texts on a consistent basis - here I share a collection of resources with thought provoking and or significant issues and news on a wide array of vital topics. Within the site are subsite-megaposts on a variety of topics. Largely posts without comment. Comments variously interspersed.
posted by infinite intimation on May 20, 2021 - 0 comments

GANksy, the A.I. street artist

I trained a StyleGAN2 neural network on street art but ended up creating something totally new that generates dark and twisted imagery in its own unique style. The full-size 'signed' digital artwork is for sale to support producing more VOLE.wtf nonsense.
posted by malevolent on Oct 14, 2020 - 0 comments


txt. [more inside]
posted by TheMadStork on Aug 29, 2020 - 5 comments

This MP Does Not Exist

I trained a StyleGAN neural network using official photos of UK Members of Parliament, then generated a whole new load of them along with names and constituencies (using segments from real MP names and structures of actual constituency names). The results are often blandly white, male & middle-aged, and occasionally very weird.
posted by malevolent on Jun 4, 2020 - 5 comments

Generative Texts

Generative Texts is a new kind of publisher. Rather than utilise humans, our publishing process is entirely AI driven, ensuring our texts meet the demands of our post-human future. As a publisher of AI-created, initiated, designed, and honed works, Generative Texts releases books exploring themes of interest to human and post-human minds alike, such as Irrational Numbers, Linguistics, the number One, the un-number Zero, and, in Brexit: The Commemorative Text, even politics, a subject previously considered beyond the interest of artificial minds. All our works are available to buy in splendidly produced machine-automated output forms, both in perpetual paper-based releases as well as in more ephemeral electronic data-propagations.
posted by dng on Jan 29, 2020 - 0 comments

AI Dictionary (Twitter bot)

I wanted to see how much OpenAI's language model actually knew, so I tried to get it to define words... but I accidentally had it set to 'random', not 'best'. [more inside]
posted by you on Nov 30, 2019 - 0 comments

AI Generated Movie Posters

I built this website to generate movie posters using a neural network. The titles and tag-lines are generated by the AI, everything else is somewhat designed and randomized. Super random, so occasionally offensive.
posted by OrangeGloves on Jul 10, 2017 - 8 comments

It's No Game: A sci-fi short film (mostly) written by AI, starring David Hasselhoff

Last year, Oscar Sharp and I made the short-film Sunspring in just two days for the Sci-Fi-London 48 Hour Film Contest. It was (so far as we know) the first film created from a computer-generated screenplay [1,2,3,4]. This year, Oscar and I followed up on Sunspring with a new short film created for the same contest: It's No Game, starring David Hasselhoff. See the accompanying article in Ars Technica for more details. (Rather than generating the screenplay in its entirety, this time we used our neural nets as augmentative writing tools to generate short snippets of dialogue in various styles. )
posted by TheMadStork on Apr 25, 2017 - 1 comment

Fact-Checking Can Reduce the Spread of Unreliable News. It Can Also Do the Opposite.

Moderators of r/worldnews on reddit worked with me to test an idea: what are the effects of encouraging fact-checking on the response and spread of unreliable news? On average, messages encouraging fact-checking caused a 2x reduction in the reddit score of tabloid submissions, which likely influenced reddit's rankings. [more inside]
posted by honest knave on Feb 1, 2017 - 3 comments

TwitPoet - An iOS app to generate poems from Twitter, and post them

TwitPoet is an iOS app and friend and I wrote. It automatically generates poems from your Twitter feed, and (if you choose!) tweets them. It can compose Limericks, Haiku, and Rhyming Couplets. You can compose poems from your Home feed , a Trend, someone you're following or tweets you've searched for. twitpoet.com , Twitpoet on the App Store [more inside]
posted by BardyWeirdy on Jul 26, 2016 - 0 comments

Meet Hum, the world's first robotic, artificially intelligent sex toy

Early this summer I discovered two physicists gone rogue. After they watched so many fellow PhD grads make killbots for the Department of Defense, they decided instead to use their skills to make love not war. This is our company. This is the world's first robotic, artificially intelligent sex toy. This is a vibrator for a new world. This is HUM. And the newsletter is definitely NSFW.
posted by sunnichka on Oct 23, 2014 - 11 comments

ITP Code Poetry Slam 2014

I'm organizing a code poetry slam in New York City on November 14. Submissions are now open. Judges, special guests, etc. to be announced. Stay tuned. [more inside]
posted by TheMadStork on Sep 20, 2014 - 2 comments

'Status' (short film)

"In the near future social networking has moved out of the virtual world and into the physical. A confronting portrait of a world we may soon know too well. Welcome to the evolution." Winner of the Jury Prize Best Sci-Fi Short Maelstrom IFF 2011 - Winner Best Screenplay Dark Carnival Indiana IFF 2011 - Official Selection 14 International Festivals including Fantasia Montreal, Bermuda IFF, London Lift Off 2012, Chashama New York, - Eng - 19mins - Director: Richard Williamson- Online Release May 6th 2014. Hope you like it.
posted by neonmuse on May 6, 2014 - 1 comment

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