'Status' (short film)
May 6, 2014 7:49 AM   Subscribe

'Status' (short film)
"In the near future social networking has moved out of the virtual world and into the physical. A confronting portrait of a world we may soon know too well. Welcome to the evolution." Winner of the Jury Prize Best Sci-Fi Short Maelstrom IFF 2011 - Winner Best Screenplay Dark Carnival Indiana IFF 2011 - Official Selection 14 International Festivals including Fantasia Montreal, Bermuda IFF, London Lift Off 2012, Chashama New York, - Eng - 19mins - Director: Richard Williamson- Online Release May 6th 2014. Hope you like it.
Role: Writer/Director
posted by neonmuse (1 comment total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

This short is just awesome. It is so beautifully shot and has such luxuriantly ominous, alienating colours and tone until the breakthrough. A very clever musing on the connection between consciousness, social identity and virtual reality, the plot rolls inevitable on through private human moments to online digital attacks and back again, culminating in social disaster on the grandest scale. Such imagination, and great skill. Looking forward to seeing more work from this film house.
posted by Selkie at 1:01 PM on May 8, 2014

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