The Judgement Of History
December 6, 2024 3:10 PM   Subscribe

The Judgement Of History
"It was perhaps an hour after midnight on the night before Christmas when the discussion amongst those of us still present turned to the true nature of hell, and more interestingly, whether one would recognise it if indeed we were to find ourselves there..." The Judgement Of History is an atmospheric ghost story in the general Christmas tradition of atmospheric ghost stories.

It's about 2000 words, so not too long of a read.
Role: writer
posted by dng (3 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

Wow. Very nicely done.

I do have one question. If it's an hour after midnight (so 1 am) on the night before Christmas... had they then gathered on the 23rd? Or was this meant to be Christmas eve/very early Christmas morning?

(Not mentioned with an intention to be obnoxiously pedantic... this is just the sort of thing I trip over all too easily.)
posted by stormyteal at 8:36 PM on December 7 [1 favorite]

It's supposed to be Christmas Eve, but, yeah, when I was writing it I knew it sounded a bit ambiguous, and then left it like that anyway. (It's still the night before until you go to bed, as far as I'm concerned).

And thanks for reading it, liking it. Cheers.
posted by dng at 8:22 AM on December 8

"It's still the night before until you go to bed, as far as I'm concerned."

That's exactly the way I look at it, too. But a couple of my (adult) kids ALWAYS argue the point, so I wanted to point in out in case it wasn't a conscious style choice.

I really did enjoy it. You've perfectly captured the essence of a Victorian Christmas ghost story.
posted by stormyteal at 12:07 PM on December 10 [1 favorite]

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