Codepip: coding games for learning web dev
October 31, 2020 1:10 AM   Subscribe

Codepip: coding games for learning web dev
A few years back, I released two CSS coding games as weekend open source projects: Flexbox Froggy and Grid Garden. Based on the positive reception they got, I was motivated to launch Codepip and expand into more games. Since launch I've added six games for learning different aspects of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with more in the works. Last week came Sourcery, which introduces the HTML workflow tool Emmet.
Role: programmer, designer
posted by thomaspark (2 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite

This looks fun. Bookmarked for when my brain is working a bit better.
posted by kathrynm at 7:01 AM on November 3, 2020

I loved both Flexbox Froggy and Grid Garden when I was brand new to front-end stuff. Thank you!
posted by taltalim at 11:41 AM on November 6, 2020

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