Wrestling Social - The Independent, Progressive, Pro Wrestling Community
October 24, 2017 10:47 AM   Subscribe

Wrestling Social - The Independent, Progressive, Pro Wrestling Community
Based on my convos at XOXO, on MeFi itself, and around the 'ol Mastodon and Twitter spheres, there are a decent number of Indieweb folks who enjoy the art form of pro wrestling as much as I do. The current places to discuss pro graps online are mostly corporate-owned "communities" whose primary purpose is to provide eyeballs for advertisers. Wrestling Social is different. We're independent, we have a Code of Conduct, and we're sticking to it. Registration is open.co

This is ground-up community building, so I'm posting first on the best online community in the world, MeFi. Let's be friends.
Role: Proprietor
posted by zerolives (1 comment total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

Note: Lookin for mods, still, and I have a feeling some of you mefites might fit the bill.
posted by zerolives at 12:28 PM on October 24, 2017

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