Wrestling Social - The Independent, Progressive, Pro Wrestling Community
October 24, 2017 10:47 AM Subscribe
Wrestling Social - The Independent, Progressive, Pro Wrestling Community
Based on my convos at XOXO, on MeFi itself, and around the 'ol Mastodon and Twitter spheres, there are a decent number of Indieweb folks who enjoy the art form of pro wrestling as much as I do. The current places to discuss pro graps online are mostly corporate-owned "communities" whose primary purpose is to provide eyeballs for advertisers. Wrestling Social is different. We're independent, we have a Code of Conduct, and we're sticking to it. Registration is open.co
This is ground-up community building, so I'm posting first on the best online community in the world, MeFi. Let's be friends.
Based on my convos at XOXO, on MeFi itself, and around the 'ol Mastodon and Twitter spheres, there are a decent number of Indieweb folks who enjoy the art form of pro wrestling as much as I do. The current places to discuss pro graps online are mostly corporate-owned "communities" whose primary purpose is to provide eyeballs for advertisers. Wrestling Social is different. We're independent, we have a Code of Conduct, and we're sticking to it. Registration is open.co
This is ground-up community building, so I'm posting first on the best online community in the world, MeFi. Let's be friends.
Role: Proprietor
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posted by zerolives at 12:28 PM on October 24, 2017