Burning the Days
April 8, 2017 2:25 PM   Subscribe

Burning the Days
Dual-function site: New mailing list of my creative writing and limited archive of my past writing projects (Victory Shag, Wrestle the Future to the Fucking Ground, etc.) -- fiction, poetry, love letters, what have you.

1. I've started a new mailing list to which I'll send fiction / love letters / poems / what have you, similar to my mailing lists of the past. Easy sign-up on the front page and unsubscribe link in every issue (I'm using Mailchimp).

2. You can see the kinds of things I send out by browsing through the Archives of Past Projects such as Wrestle the Future to the Fucking Ground, Victory Shag (archived as Ghosts & Lovers), or The January Project (poems).
Role: Creator
posted by dobbs (0 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

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