Miller's Crossing, 20 Years Later
July 12, 2013 6:25 PM   Subscribe

Miller's Crossing, 20 Years Later
The Coen Brothers' "handsome movie about men in hats" was filmed in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1989. Twenty years later I visited as many of the exterior filming location as I could find and photographed them in their current state.

The Coens chose to film in New Orleans in part because it wasn't hard to find locations that could pass for the Prohibition era and though two decades have passed the situation hasn't changed.

I came across Mike McKiernan’s Miller’s Crossing production notes page which gives several of the filming locations - seeing them listed prompted me to visit them and then to start searching for more. A combination of Google Maps Street View and a lot of legwork helped me find most, and input from other New Orleanians gave me the rest. I prepared as best I could – I took screenshots from the movie, printed them out, and took them with me whenever I was out shooting so that I could try to match the angle and lens as best possible with the tools at my disposal.

(And yes, I shot most of these in 2009 at the true 20-year-anniversary mark but I've only just comped them together side-by-side with the stills from the movie and posted them online)
Role: photographer
posted by komara (4 comments total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
This project was posted to MetaFilter by The Whelk on August 27, 2013: A Handsome Movie About Men In Hats

This is perhaps my favorite film of all time. It's in the top 10 for sure.

I saw it at the end of my deformative years and wanted so badly to be Gabriel Byrne.
posted by cjorgensen at 6:53 PM on July 13, 2013 [2 favorites]

It is my favorite movie as well.

I'm curious - did you want to be Tom Regan, Gabriel Byrne, or both?
posted by komara at 6:50 AM on July 15, 2013

This one is my favorite. Yay persistent greenery and canopy oaks. Very nice indeed.
posted by RolandOfEld at 1:17 PM on July 15, 2013 [1 favorite]

Great detective work.
posted by tizzie at 6:22 AM on July 19, 2013

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