These automatic arms.
April 2, 2012 6:09 AM   Subscribe

These automatic arms.
"These automatic arms" is a short Windows game -- maybe 15 minutes long. You appear not to be in control of your arms. Bystanders may be in danger. A tin foil hat may help? Reunite with your child and give them a proper hug.

Made with two others under the name fort/da. This is our first game.
Role: designer, coder
posted by nobody (4 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

Is the Laurie Anderson reference in the title intentional or just a delightful accident?
posted by cortex at 4:02 PM on April 2, 2012

A delightful accident, mostly, since it already has its own double-entendre built in here, but immediately after coming up with the phrase the similar "O Superman" line came to mind. (I worked with her on a couple projects years ago.)

Rock Paper Shotgun called it "the best of all names"!

(Though I'm more touched by Terry Cavanagh giving it a post on his blog this morning. I forgot to mention here that this was made in 48 hours for the What Would Molydeux event this past weekend. I'm not sure how Terry C. found it amidst the 200+ other entries.)
posted by nobody at 5:12 PM on April 2, 2012

It looks like someone's been going through a bunch of the Molyjam submissions and uploading playthrough videos. Here's one for my game. (And it turns out it's actually a 5 minute or so game and that the extra tin-foil piece I added to the fifth room, which I thought was almost too strong a hint as to how to easily complete it, is in fact not strong enough a hint at all. Surprised s/he could do it the hard way.).
posted by nobody at 8:19 PM on April 3, 2012

I'm not sure if this is an appropriate use the Projects site, but it looks like Andy Baio, now over at Wired, linked to us last week. Neat.
posted by nobody at 10:23 AM on April 9, 2012

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