January 18, 2012 5:25 AM Subscribe
A super-simple webapp for keeping on top of bike maintenance jobs. Record your mileage weekly (or as often as you like) and it'll tell you how many miles you've done since you last cleaned your chain / changed your brake pads / checked your tyre pressure / etc. Free, no sign-up required - everything is done from a single web page. Comments/bugs/typos/suggestions welcome.
A super-simple webapp for keeping on top of bike maintenance jobs. Record your mileage weekly (or as often as you like) and it'll tell you how many miles you've done since you last cleaned your chain / changed your brake pads / checked your tyre pressure / etc. Free, no sign-up required - everything is done from a single web page. Comments/bugs/typos/suggestions welcome.
Role: programmer
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posted by trialex at 3:14 PM on January 19, 2012