The Aubscast: Exploring a Minecraft Advent Calendar with Aubrey
December 9, 2011 5:07 PM   Subscribe

The Aubscast: Exploring a Minecraft Advent Calendar with Aubrey
After Thanksgiving, my seven year old daughter asked me to find a Minecraft texture pack with a Christmas theme so she could explore her Minecraft world embelleshed with holiday touches. Well, I found one on the Minecraft forum, but the poster said it was created for an Advent Calendar he was building for inside the Minecraft universe, and to check back later for that. We'll my daughter and I waited patiently and when he finally posted it, we decided to record our adventures going through the advent making a little YouTube video for each of the days as we opened them. Little did we know some of the advent days would take longer than 15 minutes. So the link goes out to a YouTube channel where we've been posting these for the last nine days, but there are more than nine videos so far, primarily due to a little mis-adventure with some explosives.

We record these in the morning and it's become a little ritual for us. It's not Scorsese but if you enjoy watching a kid (and occasionally her little sister) playing with her dad in a virtual world, and having a lot of fun, this might be of interest. We're doing one a day all the way until Christmas.

One of the interesting side benefits of this project has occurred through the forum itself. Noximous, the person who built the Minecraft Advent Calendar, has been using our films to improve the world and the puzzles behind each door. So in essence we're helping him to test the game. It's been a very enlightening process.
Role: Dad, Videographer, IT Support
posted by Toekneesan (2 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

We really enjoyed this.
posted by michaelh at 9:31 PM on December 12, 2011

We just finished. Here's our final video.
posted by Toekneesan at 7:36 PM on December 25, 2011 [1 favorite]

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