August 29, 2011 10:21 PM   Subscribe

Begun in Chicago, booted up in Atlanta (Previously), and coming soon to San Francisco, this reading series gives new meaning to the term "fightin' words."

The idea is simple: six writers are paired off, assigned opposing concepts (Fate v Free Will, Hero v Villain, [+] v [!] etc), and given seven minutes to read. Audience picks a winner, money goes to the charity of the victor's choice. The fast pace and competitive spin on the traditional literary event pushes writers to perform, performers to write, and the audience to actually engage in the words being spoken. The philanthropic aspect keeps the proceedings from devolving into a mean-spirited popularity contest much like the one portrayed in the film Mean Girls.

The Atlanta chapter's podcasts are now available on iTunes and Founder/Overlord Ian Belknap will be hosting a special WRITE CLUB event at this year's Decatur Book Festival.

WCSF is scheduled to host their first bout in November and Clubs in a number of other cities are already being discussed.
Role: Producer, Consigliere
posted by Maaik (0 comments total)

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