Zombies of the World: A field guide to the undead.
July 18, 2011 3:48 PM   Subscribe

Zombies of the World: A field guide to the undead.
A full color heavily illustrated book that describes 20 species of undead, their history, evolution, survival tips and more. It's already receiving great reviews like this and this. Zombies of the World reveals the undead to be a valuable part of our ecosystem and the key to new discoveries in medicine and technology. Few outside the scientific community even realize that creatures like the Egyptian Mummy (Mortifera mumia aegyptus) are actually zombies. Some species are even harmless to humans. The Dancing Zombie (Mortifera immortalis choreographicus) only seeks to thrill us with elaborate dance routines. Even if we could annihilate all zombies, we would lose knowledge potentially vital to our own survival. After decades of research, we have no idea why zombies never tire or stop. They possess an endless source of energy to shamble or (in some cases) sprint after us. Unlocking this mystery could benefit all humanity.The web series on Youtube further explains these mysteries.
Role: Author and publisher
posted by clockworkjoe (2 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

I support your extensive research on the matter but could you please tone down the zombie advocacy? Lots of people have loved ones to these creatures and it ain't decent to go around and hug these bloodthirsty killers.
posted by Foci for Analysis at 4:20 PM on July 18, 2011

Would you admonish people for advocating for lions, tigers or sharks? Zombies are as important as any of these animals and we need to protect the undead while we still have them. Good day, Sir!
posted by clockworkjoe at 8:43 PM on July 18, 2011

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