Crystal Decadenz
July 5, 2011 4:11 PM   Subscribe

Crystal Decadenz
I'm bringing the band back together. I've got two $10 keyboards and a drum machine, let's see what happens!

Hello world. I'm excited. Why? Because I've finally turned the 117 songs I've ever written into one 14-track album. These songs were mostly written during high school, but now I'm taking the opportunity to start working on some new stuff (see the "What I'm Working On" section...) because Bandcamp seems to me to be the best thing since sliced Spam.

I need your coldest harshest criticism. My biggest fear is that my recording skills are making the songs unlistenable, although there's only so much you can do with a song recorded in mono from a 4-track. I'm trying harder now, though. Give me your advice! Your thoughts! Your criticism—technical and personal!
Role: Writer, everything
posted by lhude sing cuccu (0 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

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