Hear You Me
July 15, 2010 11:19 PM   Subscribe

Hear You Me
any comments, feedback, or ideas would be greatly appreciated! this is a first attempt at creating an online place where people going through experiences like depression and social anxiety can connect. i really wanted to emphasize location so that eventually people who use the site are encouraged to meet up in real life, and also because location itself is a kind of shared experience. my hope for the site is that people can talk about what they're going through and really have people there listening. i also hope people can find peers or mentors who can support them over the long term. please feel free to spread the word and thanks for your time! i hope to hear from you.

i'm focused initially on depression and social anxiety but will probably expand to other experiences in the future. i want to be careful about what experiences are added so that significant experiences like depression aren't treated the same as much less significant ones. if you have ideas for good experiences to add, or if you would like to help me add a particular experience, please let me know.

on that note, if you like the site and are interested in working with me on it, i would love to hear from you. i've been promoting and reaching out to individuals in addition to all this design/code stuff...i think having another person to help out could really determine the success of this. i am in the bay area, but even if you're not, i'd be happy to work with you remotely.

(also, technical note: this is just a first draft of the idea and it looks best in recent versions of Chrome and Firefox. IE doesn't seem to like my use of CSS so i'll have to spend time fixing things up eventually.)
posted by willt (2 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite

I'm a little confused about what the site is all about and what I'm supposed to do when I get there. Maybe a little more information on the site itself? Some basic instructions on what to do?
posted by TooFewShoes at 12:00 AM on July 16, 2010

I agree, instruction is really sparse. I was hoping that once enough people were using the site it would be self-explanatory but I think improved messaging is definitely necessary. Thanks for the comment!
posted by willt at 2:12 AM on July 16, 2010

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