Fizz's votes
Displaying vote 21 to 23 of 23

Rule 34 - If something exists, there is porn of it.
You all know Rule 34, of course - Captain Kirk/ Captain Picard slashfic, XXX dinosaur otherkins, rubber fetish at the pickle factory, you name it... but what about the more obscure things, which might never get the sweet benefaction of Rule 34? This Tumblr blog to the rescue! Meticulously created from repurposed vintage porn magazine covers, now even such things as earbuds, potatoes, & bits of found chocolate can have porn about them. Also on the Book of Faces and the Twitters.
posted by metameat at 1:25 PM on April 1, 2016 - 4 comments

Greater Boston: an audio drama podcast
My husband and I play the music for this speculative fiction audio drama, in collaboration with a crew of local writers and voices. The story is set in Boston and on the T, but involves an assortment of highly fictional plot arcs (cryptozoology, secession of the Red Line to form an independent municipality, etc). Given the T setting, the idea was to have the soundtrack music sound like buskers such as you'd encounter at the T stops. This is your chance to hear "Charlie on the MTA" performed on Irish concertina.
posted by aimedwander at 9:42 AM on March 22, 2016

Instarchive - Download a zip file of your Instagram photos
There’s been a lot of talk about Instagram lately. We’re pretty sure the sky isn’t falling, but you should always have a backup, so we built this little tool for you. It’s called Instarchive, sign into your Instagram account and we’ll send your photos down to your computer in a convenient zip file. It's quick and easy, we hope you like it.
posted by bertrandom at 7:59 AM on April 13, 2012 - 3 comments

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