oneirodynia's votes
Displaying vote 1 to 6 of 6

Kittypuss, a comic
I've started a blog to show my comics of Kittypuss, a cheeky black cat. She does all things cat like, though she sometimes gets in situations that are rather unusual.
posted by charles kaapjes at 8:19 AM on May 20, 2011 - 4 comments

Stylish Gent
I like clothing, but most fashion blogs are either heavily weighted towards womens fashion, or focused on street fashion and sneakers, neither of which I enjoy wearing. I grabbed a couple of like-minded friends and started this site. The focus is on minimal editorial and buyable clothing rather than runway obsession and fashion forecasts - as I am not interested in being fashionable, just stylish; I'd like to think there are other men out there who a) like to shop online and b) have trouble finding good stuff in general or c) have no time for sifting through shops. Currently powered by tumblr to keep things quick and easy - interested to know if mefites have any suggestions for more sources for content or features to add in line with the aforementioned goals of practical fashion and slim editorial workload. I want to serve as a curator, not a critic.
posted by thedaniel at 7:45 AM on February 12, 2009 - 4 comments

What's wrong with Chester?
One month after my last project about hopeful Obama supporters in desperately poor Chester, PA, a violent crime wave shook the small city of 35,000, leaving 6 dead and more injured in a single week. I went back to Chester and dug in, hoping to capture a more detailed picture about what was happening there than minimal local news coverage afforded. This is the resulting online series, my own newspaper coverage and extra commentary. Part Two of the online series takes us to the city’s East Side, where you can get some angel dust on your way to work. While the East Side is definitely rough stuff, the homicides were confined to a small square of land on the West Side. This news story tells what I found there, which the media missed and the police deny outright. Then I did an additional commentary after the article ran, posing the question of whether a connection to gangs in an execution double homicide was missed. Part Three of the online series offers more evidence of gang activity on the city’s West Side. The final installment looks at a community revitalization plan and the neighborhood surrounding what is touted as the city's best hope yet...a professional soccer stadium?
posted by The Straightener at 9:17 PM on September 17, 2008

Edible City
Edible City is a documentary film that explores the issues of food justice, security, and sovereignty through a comprehensive view of urban farming in the San Francisco Bay Area—a grassroots effort that sees people responding to climate change, rising food costs and gas prices, and increasing health concerns by strengthening connections to the food they eat and reaching out to their local communities. Check out the trailer—and other short clips—on the videos page.
posted by wemayfreeze at 1:45 PM on September 18, 2008

Barack Obama iPhone Application
As part of a small volunteer team of folks we released the official Barack Obama iPhone app today. To go from first line of code to shipping took just under 3 weeks. We had a team of 10 developers (only 3 coders). The app has (obviously) been pretty well received so far, despite a small bug that causes it to crash for most of Pittsburgh. You can read a bit about my role as Lead Developer on my blog: toxicsoftware Raven Zachary was the primary project leader and wrote up a much better post.
posted by schwa at 10:29 PM on October 2, 2008 - 19 comments

An open letter from Nickyskye
This is single page put together for another Metafilter member. It's designed simply to update friends on her medical status and request a bit of help.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 6:03 PM on March 11, 2008

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