4 posts tagged with teen.
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Tilting at Werewolves
Looking at Teen Paranormal Romance books, shows, and movies, and particularly at how they present ideas of gender performance and relationship models. (Here's the inaugural post, where I lay out what the plan basically is. Highlights so far include this particularly cogent defense of (at least some aspects of) Twilight, and this epic takedown of Hush, Hush.) And today, we've started a new, 144-week-long project: watching and discussing each and every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. MeFi bonus: named via AskMe (thanks again, argonauta)!
Sean Reads Animorphs!
In the tradition of the Mark Reads . . . series, my friend & co-blogger Sean Wills has been recapping the Animorphs series, a '90s tween book franchise about shapeshifting kids who battle evil alien slugs, over at our site, the Intergalactic Academy. [more inside]
Fall in love with the future at the Intergalactic Academy!
The Intergalactic Academy is a new blog specializing in sci-fi for teenagers. [more inside]
LGBT etcetera
A blog that I started this year that deals with LGBT (+queer, questioning etc.) issues from a teen perspective. Topics have included the term, "queer", homophobia stemming from the bible, the "It Gets Better Project", and the new ALA award for lgbt youth literature. [more inside]