2 posts tagged with tablet.
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Name That Student: An app to help teachers learn students' names
Name That Student is a free Android app to help teachers (post-secondary or K12) learn the names of their students. The app uses pictures of each student to create study flashcards and then to create quizzes: flashcard, multiple choice (one picture: 3-5 names), and reverse multiple choice (one name: four pictures). [more inside]
Model 100 upgrade
I've designed a new mainboard for the Tandy / RadioShack TRS-80 Model 100, one of the very first tablet computers. The machine turns thirty years old this year and, amazingly, many of them still function! My upgrade replaces the Model 100's 2.4 MHz 80C85 with the more modern 16 MHz AVR AT90USB1286 on a Teensy++ and adds new features like VT100 emulation and the potential to increase the storage from the original by a factor of one million. [more inside]