8 posts tagged with of.
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CNBSeen seeks to reduce the number of profiling of vehicles with burnt out lights by replacing burnt out lights on vehicles for free. This helps 1) Reduce the number of stops which have resulted in confrontations between police and innocent people of color (esp), 2) Reduce the amount of financial hardship on drivers who may find themselves having to pay concurrent fines, and 3) Promote public safety on the road by repairing broken lights. [more inside]
posted by CollectiveMind on Jun 9, 2020 - 1 comment

A Random Walk Through The Library of Congress: LOC Serendipity

The Library of Congress contains vast troves of digital resources. LOC Serendipity is a website that simulates the experience of exploring a library and skimming eye-catching or interesting titles. From books like, "Dainty dishes for slender incomes," which contains a delicious recipe for beignets, to the oddball early-1800's "Memoirs of the notorious Stephen Burroughs of New Hampshire" to "The forgotten book," published in 2018, this tool enables serendipitous and deeply engaging discovery every day. [more inside]
posted by metasunday on Mar 10, 2019 - 3 comments

Superman reacts to Hans Zimmer's score!

Superman reacts to Han Zimmer's MAN OF STEEL score!
posted by bauermaster on Jun 17, 2013 - 1 comment

Game of Thrones - Iron Throne Cake (How to)

This is my first recipe on video (english subtitle is available!). To celebrate the end of season 2 of Game of Thrones, I have created a recipe : « The Game of Thrones Cake ». It's a chocolate fondant with toffee candies. The full tutorial is in the description box below the video. Bon appétit ! =)
posted by maliciaflore on Sep 6, 2012 - 0 comments

One Week One Band

does exactly what it says on the tin. Every week, a trusted music blogger writes about their favorite band or one they think deserves more attention. This week, I am turning my attention to a beloved, forgotten Boston band, O Positive. They were my favorite band in middle school.
posted by pxe2000 on May 22, 2012 - 0 comments

Visiting Deep Space...in Queens

This incredible room at the Hall of Science in Queens was originally built for the 1964 World's Fair to give visitors the feeling of being in deep space. Really beautiful, unearthly design.
posted by nycscout on Nov 7, 2011 - 1 comment

Old Music Video Projects

I was going to wait to post this kind of stuff until I had a complete project done, but I stopped making these when youTube started with the copyright algorithms a couple of years ago and haven't had the heart to continue.

These are the beginnings of two aborted projects at least two years old.

The first one took songs from a local (Bloomington, IN band) The Post's 2003 album and matched it to Apocalypse Now:
01 - Absent
02 - Even the Lighthouse Burns

The second was the Editor's 2007 album matched to different movies:
02 - Wish (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
04 - Escape (2001)

Anyway.. critiques welcome.
posted by xorry on Oct 20, 2011 - 0 comments

Divorce Tales

I'm a member of The Civilians – a theater company that creates shows from investigations into real life. We're partnering with WNYC on a project about divorce. Our latest play, YOU BETTER SIT DOWN: Tales From My Parents' Divorce, was created from interviews we did with our own parents. We asked them questions about why they split up and they told us all the details. Watch clips from the show, see an awesome comic strip, and leave a contribution of your own that could be showcased at WNYC's Greene Space.
posted by edouble2nyc on Jun 14, 2010 - 0 comments

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