9 posts tagged with fiction and book.
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Pick, Pack, or Die
Step into the infinite world of Zing Warehouse as employees try to survive a delivery drone uprising.
Half a decade ago, I asked a handful of MeFis if they’d be interested in being a beta reader for a novel inspired by Carl Hiaasen. Thanks to their feedback and the help of many others, I’m happy to announce that my comedy thriller Pick, Pack, or Die is ready for delivery! [more inside]
The Museum of All Things Awesome and that Go Boom!
Released today, The Museum of All Things Awesome and That Go Boom is an anthology of science fiction featuring blunt force trauma, explosions, adventure, derring-do, tigers, Martians, zombies, fanged monsters, dinosaurs (alien and domestic), ray guns, rocket ships, and anthropomorphized marshmallows. [more inside]
A Year of Stories: Cobalt Blue
At the beginning of the year I decided to write one short story, every weekday, until December 31st (260 stories). To help motivate me, I'm releasing twelve Collections of these stories on Amazon. I've been at this since January, and so far I'm 135 stories in. This is Collection one, if you like it, it would be awesome if you could leave a review. Also, if you're interested in following the project in real-time, you can see all the stories here.
MacAvoy and Me
Tea with the Black Dragon Author R.A.Macavoy asked me to work with her on a book... (I KNOW, right?!?!) We've now finished. [more inside]
A History of the Future in 100 Objects
What are the 100 objects that future historians will pick to define our 21st century? A javelin thrown by an enhanced Paralympian, far further than any normal human? Virtual reality interrogation equipment used by police forces? The world's most expensive glass of water, mined from the moons of Mars? Or desire modification drugs that fuel a brand new religion? [more inside]
The trailer for my novel KINO
My novel Kino will be published by Atticus Books on Tuesday. It's about a German silent film director whose movies are believed lost during World War II -- until his granddaughter receives a print of his 1927 debut The Tulip Thief under mysterious circumstances... [more inside]
Mirrorshards: The Book
I've been running Mirrorshards, my daily microfiction site (previously), for over three years now, relatively quickly closing in on publishing my 1000th story. [more inside]
Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow
My middle grade children's horror novel, Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow, has been published by Knopf and is officially available today! I both wrote and illustrated it, and it's loosely based on my art and animated series, Childrin R Skary. Book trailer here.
My new book - The Gleaming
I've just published my new book, The Gleaming Part One - Discovery. It's high fantasy and I'm receiving great feedback so far.
Part Two should be out in a couple of weeks.